Everyday reports – Check in and out and cleaning


This form shows the details of who is leaving ( on the left ) and arriving ( on the right )for one day.

Down the center is the unit number. The yellow entries are for people arriving or departing today, as you can see in this example the two arrivals are for today, but the departure from the unit OW1 was on the 9th of June.

To use this form, as people depart, click the box marked Customer checked out for their unit. Next when the unit has been cleaned, tick the box marked Cleaned and checked. When the new arrival turns up, you can click the box marked Cust has arrived, and when they’ve got their keys, you can tick the last column, Gone to unit. The Hold column is to mark that unit as not being ready for the arrival, despite being cleaned and checked, perhaps if there is a maintenance task to be completed for instance.

None of this may happen in that order, and the boxes may be ticked out of sequence, but using this form, you’ll be able to keep track of the progress of each unit on a changeover day.

You can also amend the bookings directly from this list by clicking on the left or right hand columns containing the customer’s name. You have the choice of doing a full amend, or just entering the car registrations on to the booking.

The column to the right of Cleaned and checked is for Zapped, in this example it is switched off, but can be used by switching on switch No.17. This is to mark each unit as having had its electricity meter zeroed after departure.

The Print displayed list button produces a printout of the information contained on the form. Instead of colours for the units arriving or departing today, ths is indicated with a *.